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  • Writer's pictureYuyan Huang

Bringing Cooking back to the workplace as a Fun Skill Based Learning

The quest continues to search for effective and practical solutions to the worldwide epidemic of increased modern-lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity and diabetes. By now, many of us can safely conclude that all the fad diets and programs are failing to improve the quality of lives, with some diet-programs causing more long-term harm than good such as the rebound of weight and disruption to hormonal health.

So what can we do about it?

For many years, growing up in a traditional Asian family where food is the cornerstone of our main activities and we typically gather around a round table full of dishes , anywhere from 3-10 -- it became clear to me one day that nutrition is so intimate to our lives mentally, emotionally and physically.

We are also aware that many of our chronic diseases we see today is due to chronic stress and nutrition mismanagement -- yet why can't we ever improve on that, knowing what is the problem or obstacle in living a life of quality? We need to continue to look deeper into finding effective solutions as prevention is STILL better than cure.

This article "More than Cooking - Teaching Kitchens as learning labs for life skills" -- published on Harvard T.H.Chan Public Health- talks about a strategic program where cooking lessons turn laboratory-based activity, combining culinary skills, mindfulness, nutrition education, exercise, whole food ingredients and personalized health coach.

I personally think this is such a fun and creative move, realizing that it is more than just cooking, but also the way how we may have now forgotten what FOOD is-- the wholesome natural food.

I like how this pilot program is also carried out into the workplace setting, which I personally believe it is also time to bring food and nutrition within the workplace setting, given how so many of us are spending more time at work than ever before, which means eating out for these people are very prevalent.Besides, programs like these in the workplace definitely boost positive morale and inclusion among the employees as it can show that employees are more than just a number or a workhorse for the company.

I hope to see this implemented one day, SOON, in Singapore and in Asian countries.

photo credit: Photo by Culinary Institute of America

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